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Car Safety Supplies Checklist

Car Safety Supplies Checklist 

Any trip can encounter unexpected road trouble, from the occasional flat tire to the flat-out, scary, white-out, northern blizzard the difference between inconvenience and danger can often be as simple as having the right supplies on hand. Check your trunk and be sure your spare tire is aired up and in good condition and then assemble the items on this list and keep them with you when you are traveling by car.


  •       Jumper Cables
  •       Candle w/ matches
  •       Bottled Water
  •       Blanket or sleeping bag
  •       Non-perishable snacks like granola bars
  •       First Aid Kit
  •       Road Flares
  •       Flashlight (wind-up doesn’t require batteries)
  •       Compass
  •       Rain poncho
  •       Road Atlas
  •       Car jack and tire Iron
  •       Baby wipes
  •       Diapers, if you have small children
  •       Cell phone and car charger
  •       Basic tool-kit (hammer, screwdriver, pliers, etc.)
  •       Full change of clothing for the season including underwear, spare jacket, extra pair of sturdy shoes, jacket, and hat
  •       A pair of sturdy work gloves
  •       Emergency contact info, and identification
  •       Extra set of keys
  •       Extra set of glasses and sunglasses

Depending upon where you live and which season you are traveling you may add seasonal items for summer like insect repellent, sunscreen; or sand and a small shovel in winter. Hopefully, you’ll never occasion to use any of it but it’s nice knowing that if you do, everything you need is right there. The peace of mind alone is worth the effort! 

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